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We try to make the registration process as smooth as possible at Walton High School. One way we do this is by building the MASTER SCHEDULE for both teachers and students only after we have received all student requests for courses during registration. The MASTER SCHEDULE, therefore, is determined by the student registration and provides the maximum accommodation for the courses desired by Walton students, with a minimum of schedule conflicts.


Since the MASTER SCHEDULE is based entirely upon initial student registration, it is essential that students remain in the courses for which they have registered, unless it is determined that the academic placement is inappropriate. Students register for the ENTIRE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR at one time during the March registration period. However, in the fall, students will have an opportunity to drop/add one semester elective courses for the upcoming spring semester. Year long courses may not be dropped at the end of first semester.


The following information should be helpful in having a successful registration:


1. For all CORE classes (English, Math, Social Studies, Science and World Language), the current teacher will make recommendations for the level of curriculum the student should take next year. While each teacher will make a recommendation based on the specific core area, it is important to consider the overall course load. If the student and/ or parent/guardian disagrees with the teacher’s recommendation, or has concerns about the academic challenge, you may complete a WAIVER to request a different placement. PLEASE NOTE:


  • Waivers are binding for one complete semester. Once the waiver has been submitted and approved, the class cannot be changed again during that semester.

  • Waivers are due to the school by May 1st and will not be accepted after that date unless the teacher recommendation has changed. 

  • You may only waive up or down by ONE level. 


2. For ELECTIVE classes, students will register during their lunch periods. Tables for registration will be located outside of the cafeteria.


3. Registration for any year-long courses (classes with an A and B semester) in an ACADEMIC area may not be dropped at the end of the first semester. The only exception is if the teacher of the subject recommends a change for the student.


4. We do not honor teacher preference requests during scheduling. All 2600+ students have preferences, and it would be impossible to honor the requests of all students.


5. Seniors may not request Minimum Day once the semester has started. Seniors must request minimum day either during registration or during the drop/add time frame for second semester. All minimum day forms for fall must be turned in by May 1st.


6. Students registered for minimum day normally leave school the last period of the day. If a student’s lunch period can be scheduled for the period prior to the last period, the student may be allowed to leave school two periods early, with parent permission. However, students should not assume that they can leave school two periods early, because scheduling may not permit all minimum day students this option. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT A STUDENT WILL HAVE 6th PERIOD LUNCH.


7. Morning tuition school will be available if there is enough student interest. If you would like to take SEVEN classes rather than six, please pick up a Tuition form at the registration table and review it with your parents/guardians. The fee for the extra course is $300. Cash or a check for this amount must accompany your registration and should be brought in person to Mrs. Cook in the Counseling Suite so a receipt can be written. Students will be placed in any zero hour course that his or her schedule allows.


8. Flex scheduling (attending zero through 6th period) is an option if there is availability in zero period classes. Students paying tuition will receive first priority. Students should pick up forms from the registration table.


9. Registering for flex schedule or zero period does not guarantee a parking space.


10. CHOOSE YOUR COURSES CAREFULLY. There are course descriptions for each course in the planning guide. In addition, there is an online Advanced Placement Booklet on the Walton webpage that will give more detailed information regarding the requirements and demands of specific AP classes.


It is not possible for you to try out a course to determine if it is right for you. You cannot change levels or electives once the semester begins. After the 10th day of the semester, any course dropped will receive a grade of a 10 on your official transcript.




A. If you failed or have not had the prerequisite for the particular course


B. If you are a senior and need a specific course to graduate


C. If you have previously received credit for the course


Included in the list of Course Offerings is the grade level and course prerequisites. 

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